Thursday, July 11, 2013

7/1 To Enashiva…Big Male Lion Tragedy

7/1 To Enashiva…

We pack up the Land Rover early for a big drive that takes us out of the lower tall grass plain and into the hilly country of the Northern Serengeti.   

About 1.5 hours into the drive we come upon a scene that will unfortunately be seared into our memories.  A very large male lion sits under
 a tree with a sleeping female while another male (likely brother to the first male) sits under a smaller tree 20 yards away.  We watched for 10 minutes.  The bigger male stared at us intently and seemed pretty angry.  He even roared at us, which rarely happens since the animals are so used to trucks.  We soon found out why.

He hears something a stands up, and we see large gashes just in front of his hind legs going up over the top of the back, and a thick wire squeezing his lower abdomen.  Just as we are put into shock, his brother stands up and hobbles to the next tree… 
on three legs.  His right rear foot is gone.  Ironically, both brothers have been snared in poacher traps, and neither will last much more than a week in the wild.  As much as the national parks try to keep poachers out, they find ways, and two big healthy male lions are the unfortunate victims on this day. 

Soon we reached Klein’s gate and leave the Serengeti, travelling east and very closely paralleling the Tanzania/Kenya border.  Loliondo is a “game reserve”, not a national park, so we won’t be restricted by as many rules. We reach our camp there, and get our first extended relaxation time since Gibbs          Farm.        Then we go out of a game drive, which is cool because we don’t need to stay on roads.  This drive is highlighted by Sampson chasing a family of 20 
striped mongoose!  As they race across the plain, Sampson closes in.  Imagine 20 mongoose trying to enter their hole at the same time.  They get stuck!  Rodents flying everywhere!  And one gets shut out and scrambles to the next hole.  Great laugh!

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