Friday, July 12, 2013

7/2 Day hike and night drive in Enesheva…

7/2  Day hike and night drive in Enesheva…

Woke up early and set out before breakfast… on a walking safari!  Yes, that’s right.  A Massai warrior was our guide and protector.  We walked amongst wildebeest, zebra, giraffe, Grant’s gazelles, tommies, dik-diks etc.  It was absolutely surreal.  Ken gave us a lesson on the whistling acacia, which has golf-ball-sized hollow spheres all around it’s branches.  Each ball has a hole, and ants make a home inside.  The tree also makes     
nectar to feed the ants, who reciprocate this goodwill by defending the tree against any animal that attempts to eat its leaves- classic symbiosis!  As we rounded a corner in the acacia forest, all feeling hungry, Ken’s surprise was revealed… the crew had set up breakfast in the forest!  Eggs, sausage, toast, crepes, fruit, porridge, 
juice coffee, amazing.   
That night, as soon as dinner ended, we climbed in Sampson’s Land Rover for a night drive, which was a one-of-a-kind experience, as it’s illegal in parks.  Easily the highlight was watching a nocturnal 
aardvark hunting through termite mounds looking for his late-night snack.  We startled him, and he took off running- aarvarks look very funny running- and finally he slipped into one of the many “hide holes” he dug for himself around his territory…. We also chased a hyena and woke up 6 ostrich, who were annoyed that they had to stand up and run away.  

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